Non-Spill Couplings

Hydraulic Flat-Face Quick Coupling – ISO 16028 – FEM/IF Series | #IF2520 RV
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Flat Face Quick Coupling FEM / IF series is produced according to the ISO 16028 and is compatible with other series complying with the same standard. These couplings offer a leakage free disconnection with a minimal oil loss during uncoupling. Thanks to the valve design, the coupling has a minimum pressure drop, and thus achieves maximum cost-effectiveness. The standard version of series FEM / IF is available made of steel or stainless steel.

- Agriculture
- Automotive
- Oil and Gas
- Process
- Power Generation
- Transportation
- Vocational and Municipal
- Defense
- Industrial
- Machine Tooling
- Material Handling
- Construction

- Safety locking feature as standard to prevent unintentional uncoupling
- FEC with the pressure eliminator enable effortless connection under static pressure (up to rated working pressure)
- FEMP and FECP with pushpull features is suitable for multi-plates or when coupling is fixed on an application

Easy dry break connection / disconnection in hydraulic systems, both mobile and industrial applications
- Tractors
- Trucks
- Wheel loaders
- Military vehicles
- Hydraulic tools
- Presses
- Molding machines