Diagnostic Testing Equipment

Par-Test | #947754
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Fluid analysis has proven to be a critical tool for any preventive main­te­nance program. Fluid analysis can identify potential problems that cannot be detected by human senses. A comprehensive fluid analysis program can help prevent major hydraulic or lube oil system failures.
Par-Test is a complete laboratory analysis, performed on a small volume of fluid. Par-Test kit includes a precleaned plastic bottle, mailing container with preaddressed label, sample information data sheet (to be filled out by end user) and the following analysis:

Fluid sampling for Par-Test involves im­por­tant steps to insure you are getting a representative sample. Often, erroneous sample procedures will disguise the true nature of the system fluid. A complete sampling procedure is detailed on the back of this brochure. There also is a National Fluid Power Association standard (NFPA T2.9.1-1972) and an American National Standards Institute Standard (ANSI B93.13-1972) for extracting samples from a fluid power system.